Claim Insurance

Instructions to claim Local Insurance

Documents to be submitted by the Applicant to claim insurance

For Medical benefits

Claiming compensation for sickness/accident/trouble/torture/disability and permanent disability

  • It is compulsory to apply for compensation within 06 months after coming Sri Lanka.
  • Compensation request application
  • Medical certificates from abroad
  • Local medical Certificates (obtained within 07 days from the date of arrival in Sri Lanka)
  • Special consultant’s medical report (Medical Expert’s Report – MER) for disability due to accident
  • Local medical receipts
  • Copies of the Passport – Bio page and Immigration and Emigration information pages
  • Arrived flight ticket / Boarding card
  • A copy of the bank account book and information page of the holder
  • Insurance Compensation Request letter (Written the letter of welfare manager of Sri Lanka bureau of foreign employment)

In case of Death


  • An affidavit (includes information about heirs for insurance compensation of the deceased). This affidavit should be signed on a stamp of Rs. 50/- and certified by a commissioner of oaths or a justice of peace with his/her official seal)
  • Passport of deceased person, Birth certificate, NIC, Marriage certificate if married, Foreign medical reports of death, Foreign death certificate, documents issued by embassy – Original copies and 02 photocopies of all those documents.
  • Original copies of birth certificate of all heirs including the claimant, bank account book and a copy of the page containing information (must not be tax accounts) if over 18 years of age, NIC and photocopy of all those documents.
  • A Grama Niladhari report prepared including details of family members. The report should be signed by the divisional secretary and the married/unmarried status of the deceased should be mentioned in the Grama Niladhari’s
  • An original and a photocopy of the letter containing the details of the death, issued by the consular section of the ministry of foreign affairs of Sri Lanka (This letter should be applied for only if the death certificate issued by the central registry is not obtained.).
  • 02 copies of the documents and the photocopies provided by the customs during the acceptance of the body.

Time to submit requests

Medical benefits and in case of death

  • Must have a valuable registration with Sri Lanka bureau of foreign employment. The registration period is valid for 02 or 03 years depending on the employment contract and it is valid from the date of registration with the bureau and departure from Sri Lanka (The date of departure from Sri Lanka).
  • The insurance provided under Sri Lanka bureau of foreign employment registration only covers expenses for local medical treatments (In Sri Lanka).
  • Illness, troubles, harassments, torture and accident.
  • Due to the above mentioned facts, the expatriate employee must send the required documents to the insurance corporation with the necessary documents to the bureau of foreign employment before the expiry of 06 months after returning to Sri Lanka.
  • When the expatriate employee dies while working, the next of the deceased must complete the application form and submit the necessary documents to the insurance company before the expiry of 06 months

Cases where insurance benefits are not provided

  • Failure to submit necessary documents to the insurance company within 06 months (The necessary documents have been submitted to the Bureau of foreign employment within 06 months but not forwarded to the insurance company).
  • In cases where incorrect documents have been submitted.
  • HIV disease caused by unwanted behaviors
  • In case of going abroad for employment with physical disability or medical conditions.
  • Death or accident during the travel (Including departure from and arrival in Sri Lanka).
  • Insured goes hunting, mountain climbing and engaging in dangerous sports (Polo, Racing etc.).
  • Death and accidents resulting from an act committed in violation of the laws of the country or institutions where service is provided.
  • When foreign relations between countries are suspended.
  • In the event of civil war, hostile invasion, revolutions, insurrection, military rule etc.
  • Deaths due to drug usage.
  • Diseases, mental shocks and obsessions
  • Normal child births and pregnancy
  • Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tsunami and floods.
  • Cases covered by other insurance systems.
  • Insured age above 65 years and below 18 years.
  • Participation in strikes and riots.
  • Expenses for eye examinations, spectacles, contact lenses, dental treatment, hearing aids etc.
  • Expenditure on services like television, telephone, radio provided on special request of hospitals and extra food.
  • Congenital conditions or abnormal conditions.
  • Risks of plastic surgery and cosmetic surgery
  • Regular medical checkups and medical records obtained by him.
  • In situations like obstetrics and gynecology equipment, drugs, pregnancy losses, abortion and side effects etc.
  • During outpatient treatment and radiation therapy.