“Jayagamu Sri Lanka” – Batticaloa

The Jayagamuwa Sri Lanka People’s Mobile Service, in partnership with the Sri Lanka Bureau of Foreign Employment, hosted an event to award scholarships and school equipment to the children of migrant workers in the Batticaloa district. The event took place on June 28 and 29, 2024, at the Batticaloa Hindu College Stadium. The Honorable Minister of Labor and Foreign Employment, Mr. ManushaNanayakkara, served as the chief guest.
During the event, 321 children of migrant workers received scholarships, 309 children were provided with valuable school equipment, and 14 schools received smart boards.

The inauguration of the Batticaloa District Media Forum took place on June 29, 2024, at the Batticaloa Golden River Hotel. The event was chaired by the Minister of Labor and Foreign Employment, Mr. ManushaNanayakkara. This forum is part of an initiative by the Sri Lanka Bureau of Foreign Employment (SLBFE) to foster better cooperation and communication between the bureau and local journalists.

Recently, on June 28, 2024, a program was conducted at the Batticaloa Hindu Vidyalaya Stadium to educate government officials, including police officers, GramaNiladharis (village officers), and development officers, on safe migration and human trafficking. This initiative was part of the Jayagamuwa Sri Lanka People’s Mobile Service and was held under the chief guest, the Minister of Labor and Foreign Employment, Honorable ManushaNanayakkara.
